From the far regions of Russia close to the Caucasus Mountains the legend goes that here the best Vodkas in the world are produced from local crops and the melting snow springs coming down the mountains.
It is also here in the shade of Elbrus, at 5642m the highest mountain in Europe that Silver Volk (The Wolf in Russian) Vodka is produced. The Wolf symbolizes cunning, wilderness and mystery. Those who have come face to face with a wolf in the wilderness of Siberia bears testimony to the fact that no animal have quite such an effect on the human psyche as staring into the eyes of this magnificent animal. The Wolf has the ability to make quick and firm emotional attachments, and often need to trust their own instincts. Thus they teach us to do the same, to trust our hearts and minds, and have control over our own lives. Silver Volk is made with spring water from the Caucus Mountains and pays tribute to Siberian Wolves that room the most inhospitable parts of Russia.
Silver Volk has a creamy mouthfeel, notes of pepper and spice, balanced with hints of citrus, and a clean, smooth finish. Subtly complex and mysterious as a Siberian Wolf.

Black Smoke Whisky
12 Years | Blended Whisky

St. Rhine
5 Years | VSOP Cape Brandy

St. Rhine
3 Years | VS Cape Brandy